
If they don’t give you a seat at the table-pull up a folding chair. ~Shirley Chisholm


Support our work ensuring early care educators a seat at table!

For years ECESF brought educators together to advocate for more resources to Early Care and Education. We succeeded! With the passage of Prop C (June 2018) San Francisco now has over $120M more dollars to invest in Early Care & Education annually. While advocacy to maintain the increased fund is essential, we are pleased to now be able to increase ECESF’s focus on ensuring the new funds impact the quality of life, work, and education for San Francisco’s children, families, and educators.

ECESF connects educators with educators to share impacts, build unity, identify priority needs, and create a strong community voice to be heard by policy makers, key departments, and our community.

Support our work—donate today!

  • $500 — funds an ECESF community gathering, bringing ECE educators together
  • $250 — covers substitute or lost wages to release an educator for a day of advocacy
  • $200 — supports ECESF member outreach in the San Francisco community
  • $100 — funds interpretation services for a two-hour meeting
  • $50 — pays for a folding chair or two — and gets an educator to a meeting
  • $25 — buys books and materials for our educator leadership circles
  • $5 — covers postage to send information to 5 educators

Monthly and workplace contributions encouraged!

Thank you for supporting early care educator leadership!


ECESF (Tax ID/EIN: 47-2219433) is a non-profit 501(c) 3 contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Our legal name is San Francisco Early Care Educators Resource Program (SFECERP). ECESF is our current and SFCCPA a past DBA name. The Tax ID/EIN 47-2219433 and non-profit 501 (c) 3 status are associated with both our legal and DBA names.