ECESF comes together with FCCA SF, Parent Voices, and community allies as a leader in the SF ECE Advocacy Coalition, and in collaboration with CPAC in our third annual ECE

ECESF comes together with FCCA SF, Parent Voices, and community allies as a leader in the SF ECE Advocacy Coalition, and in collaboration with CPAC in our third annual ECE
Through summer and fall ECESF community gatherings educators focused on priority issues that they faced in their workplaces that would most improve both their work conditions and the quality
Madison Holland shared San Francisco’s Wage Crisis in Youth-Serving Nonprofits: 2024 report at the October Service Provider’s Work Group (SPWG), and announced the launch of Prosperity Initiative, an organization which
ECESF is a leader of the SF ECE Advocacy Coaltion, bringing ECEducators of San Francisco into coalition with allied organizations and parents to advocate for a sustainable and vibrant ECE
Who creates it? What’s it for? And what stood out? I love data. I often refer to myself as a “nerd” as I love to research things I am interested
Recently I heard NPR’s Ayesha Rascoe’s interview with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona about the 2023-24 school year ahead. Many of the themes were the typical ones we hear of, but
Leer español abajo. 閱讀下面的中文. The SF ECE Advocacy Coalition (SF ECE AC) and Childcare Planning & Advisory Council (CPAC) Policy Committee have been organizing around child care and early
The Department of Early Childhood (DEC) is a merger between two city departments– First 5 San Francisco (First 5) and the Office of Early Care and Education (OECE). “DEC
See the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment’s findings for wages and benefits of educators at non-public school sites, and their recommendations—some of which have been included as part
A new paper from the Low Income Investment Fund and the Center for Cities & Schools at UC Berkeley explains that many homes and child care facilities are largely unequipped
In March when we entered our first shelter-in-place and San Francisco was transformed overnight from a vibrant metropolis to a ghost town, I was afraid. I wanted to wrap myself
San Francisco, CA – Board President Yee is introducing legislation to establish an emergency economic recovery program to support early care and education providers who are at the brink of
Despite major steps forward – including the passage of San Francisco’s Prop C in June 2018 and Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent budget proposal, which could direct $1.8 billion to early
Our next SFCCPA Community Meeting, Monday evening, November 26 brings highlights of the NAEYC conference home. Kaile Thomas, SFCCPA board member, and Director of San Francisco Family Support Network, Safe & Sound, will present on the role
The Board of Supervisors at their October 23, 2018 meeting unanimously passed amendments to the Minimum Compensation Ordinance after a deal was reached with the Mayor’s office. The measure goes
In accord with the SFCCPA’s mission — to build unity with families and community allies to access needed resources to provide the highest quality early care and education for all of San Francisco’s
The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at UC Berkeley and Child Care Aware of America teamed up to create a new video. It shows why parents cannot
This Ballot Measure Will Establish a Fund to: Make high quality early care and education (“ECE”) available and affordable for San Francisco families earning up to 200% of the area
The end of the year is approaching fast, bringing many things to the early care and education community, from celebrations to brighten the darkest days, and time off with family,