Introducing The Department of Early Childhood

The Department of Early Childhood (DEC) is a merger between two city departments– First 5 San Francisco (First 5) and the Office of Early Care and Education (OECE).


DEC is a City and County of San Francisco Department dedicated to our young children’s safe and healthy development. As the City’s largest early childhood funder, DEC is committed to creating a system that ensures every child can thrive and learn. Now that First 5 San Francisco and OECE have come together, we will better coordinate, align and integrate the system of early childhood and support we have here in San Francisco. We will provide public investment, expertise, and leadership to put resources into the hands of those who care for our City’s youngest children. As a new, unified department, DEC is responsible for launching and leading San Francisco’s ambitious initiative to transform the public support of young children and those who care for them.

We still offer many of the same resources, but now that we are able to integrate all public early childhood services, we will have the expanded capacity to bring the parents, childcare providers, and partners in our community even more holistic support.

DEC will administer funds from Proposition C, a commercial rent tax, dedicated to children’s early care and education. The new funding promises to do even more for San Francisco’s children and families—and backs up that promise with dedicated resources for the long haul.

Visit the new DEC website, read the official city announcement, and find them on social media @sfdepartmentofearlychildhood!