We want to share some news from the federal level with you that could impact ECE in the coming years. Betsy DeVos has been nominated to fill the position of Education Secretary in the next administration. To learn more about her and what this means for education in the U.S. you can read two articles here and here. Her families strong connection to the Vice President-elect Pence is also noteworthy. You can read about this here.
As Kristina Riga notes:
More locally, we wanted to bring your attention to a recent article in the SF Chronicle, Trump’s sanctuary city threat, shortfalls lead SF to revise budget, written by Emily Green. The article follows recent events and their possible effects on the city budget:
“The combination of a ballot measure to increase the sales tax that failed, threatened federal cuts from President-elect Donald Trump and a projected $5 billion pension shortfall means City Hall officials are now considering actions that would have seemed unthinkable just three weeks ago.
Among them: redirecting new revenue generated by the just-passed soda tax from health programs to homeless services, ending the Twitter tax break that was designed to draw tech companies to the city, annulling a voter-approved charter amendment to pay for street tree maintenance and not spending the money to make City College free.”