Thank you to all who took the time to contact their elected leaders to let them know how important ECE is to the city and county of San Francisco! We are happy to announce that $4 Million in additional resources were added to the budget for ECE in the add back process last week. Dominic Fracassa of the San Francisco Chronicle writes, “The money in that pot – known informally as “add-back” money that is apportioned each year by the supervisors after the mayor’s initial budget proposal is combed for funds – includes $4 million over the next fiscal year for the Office of Early Care and Education to maintain its current workforce levels and to keep care centers open, $1.5 million to expand housing subsidies for 200 homeless people, and $1 million for educational and employment services for vulnerable and homeless youth and young adults.” See more about the budget in Fracassa’s article here.
Please read the following resend of the update from Tony Tyson, CPAC Coordinator.
Dear CPAC Members & ECE Community,
On Friday, June 23, 2017 the Board of Supervisor’s Budget & Finance Committee made a positive recommendation to move the City’s proposed budget to the Full Board for approval, which includes an additional investment of $6.1M for the San Francisco early care and education system!
The additional funds includes $2.1M from the Mayor’s Budget to provide high quality early care and education services for homeless children on the waitlist; and $4M in additional resources through the successful advocacy efforts made during the Board of Supervisor add-back process. The $6.1M will be allocated and administered by the Office of Early Care & Education (OECE), pending the approval of the budget during the Full Board of Supervisors Meeting on July 11, 2017.
Thank you to everyone who helped advocate to the Board of Supervisors, Legislative Budget Aides, and the Mayor’s Budget Office for the need of additional investments in early care and education system in order to best serve San Francisco’s children, families and early care and education providers.
I will send an update as more details are provided, but today we should celebrate this important victory for the San Francisco ECE community!
Great job everyone!!!