Latest Past Events

Helping Preschoolers at Drop Off Workshop

3514 Geary Boulevard 3514 Geary Blvd., Sanfrancisco

Workshop with Chad Kordt-Thomas, LCSW Drop off can be one of the most challenging times of the day for preschoolers, their parents, and teachers. Come discover new ways to help the children and parents in your classroom handle this big transition. Limit: eight people. $50. For other workshops offered by Chad Kordt-Thomas, LCSW click here

DCYF OAC Meeting

1390 Market Street, Suite 900 1390 Market St., SanFrancisco

Department of Children Youth and their Familes (DCYF) Oversight and Advisory Committee (OAC) meets every 2 months from 5:30pm to 8:30pm on the second Monday from Mon Sep 9 to Mon Jun 8, 2020 (PDT) the public is welcome.

SPWG Meeting

Children's Council, Room 101 445 Church Street, San Francisco

The next meeting of the OAC's Service Provider Working Group (SPWG) will take place on Monday, September 9 from 3:30pm to 5pm at Children's Council, 445 Church Street, in Room 120 Membership in the SPWG is open to any agency in San Francisco that serves children, youth, and families. New members are encouraged to attend a