ECESF Community Healing Circles

zoom meeting

“In the Circle, we are all equal. When in the Circle, no one is in front of you. No one is behind you. No one is above you. No one

CPAC General Meeting

zoom meeting

CPAC will lead community discussions on our vision for ECE, including access to newly released funding, and community input on creating an ECE plan with OECE. More details to come.

ECESF Community Healing Circles

zoom meeting

“In the Circle, we are all equal. When in the Circle, no one is in front of you. No one is behind you. No one is above you. No one

Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting

San Francisco Office of Early Care and Education Citizen’s Advisory Committee (OECE CAC) first meeting of 2021 will take place on Thursday January 21, 2021 from 4pm-6pm. In this meeting,

FRC Vaccine Workshop

The FRC will have a brief COVID-19 vaccine session during their Lunch & Learn/Coffee Chat on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 between 12:30-1pm  If you are interested, please register and join.

CDSS Child Care Transition Stakeholder Meeting

Child care and development programs currently administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) will be transferred to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) effective July 1, 2021, while

CA Early Childhood Policy Council Quarterly Meeting

The Early Childhood Policy Council (ECPC), under CHHS, advises the Governor, Legislature and the Superintendent of Public Instruction on statewide early learning, care and child development. Attend their quarterly meetings

OECE/First5 Virtual Center Administrators’ Roundtable

OECE and First 5 San Francisco invite you to attend their February Virtual Center Administrators’ Roundtables where we will provide an overview of: Quality Improvement and Professional Development Opportunities Future

OEWD Budget Discussion (1 of 2)

The San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) will hold two upcoming budget discussions on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 6pm and Friday, February 12, 2021 at 10am.

OECE/First5 Virtual Center Administrators’ Roundtable

OECE and First 5 San Francisco invite you to attend their February Virtual Center Administrators’ Roundtables where we will provide an overview of: Quality Improvement and Professional Development Opportunities Future

CPAC General Meeting

zoom meeting

OECE Director, Ingrid Mezquita will be presenting on the OECE budget. Katie Dellamaria, SFDPH will give a COVID-19 health update.    CPAC is San Francisco’s state mandated local planning council

OEWD Budget Discussion (2 of 2)

The San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) will hold two upcoming budget discussions on Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 6pm and Friday, February 12, 2021 at 10am.

SFDPH COVID-19 Vaccine Update

In three languages (English, Español, and 中文). This session is open to educators in centers and family child care. Presentation from SF Dept of Public Health Schools and Child Care HUB team. They will be giving an update on COVID-19 vaccine including overview and vaccine distribution process. Darán una actualización de las vacunas COVID-19, que

ELCD Listening Session

As CDE prepares for the upcoming transition of many Early Learning and Care (ELC) programs to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), they are looking toward opportunities to strengthen the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and its role as the foundation of their newly launched P-3 approach. The Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD)

CPAC General Meeting

zoom meeting

For this event, SFDPH’s Katie DellaMaria will give vaccination and COVID updates, CPAC will discuss planning work regarding racial equity.   The Child Care Planning and Advisory Council (CPAC) is San Francisco’s state mandated local planning council (LPC) established to provide a forum for the identification of local ECE priorities and the development of policies and strategies

CPAC Workforce Meeting

zoom meeting

The Workforce Committee collects input and reviews information on  workforce needs, the impact of current policy and program, and the need for additional supports or changes that will enhance services and workforce wellbeing. Next meeting we will be reviewing wage scales, programs, and workforce data.

ECPC State Budget Year 2021-22 Discussion

Early Childhood Policy Council (ECPC) Virtual Meeting March 17, 2021 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Join for a discussion about the State Budget Year 2021-2022 priorities and a review of State Budget Year 2021-2022 ECPC survey results. See agenda. You must register in advance for this meeting.